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Here’s How to Protect Your Family from Mosquitoes This Spring and Summer

Written by Stephanie Morgan | Jul 6, 2020 1:00:00 PM

Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous and deadliest creatures on the planet. The World Health Organization points out that mosquitoes infest millions of people per year with serious diseases like Malaria, Zika Virus, and West Nile Virus. Some of the diseases spread by mosquitoes are rare in the US – and much more prevalent in developing countries – but these pests still put people at risk. Not to mention the fact that they can leave you with itchy and annoying bumps. If you and your family want to spend time out in the yard during the spring and summer, you need to take steps to protect your family from mosquitoes.

Check around your house for any areas with standing water

Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water. Those eggs remain in the water until the weather warms up enough for the mosquitoes to mature. This means that you may have mosquito eggs all around your house just waiting for the opportunity to mature and start feeding on your family. Dealing with areas of standing water around your home will help you protect your family from mosquitoes in the spring and fall. Common places for standing water include birdbaths, gutters, planters, and holes in the ground. It is often simple to deal with the standing water and it can make a big difference in the level of mosquitoes you have in the yard.

Catch up on home maintenance tasks

Sometimes standing water is a result of a maintenance issue that you need to address. For example, air conditioning units are common culprits for causing standing water. If you have an air conditioner that is leaking or freezing up it can create standing water in your yard. Skipping out on cleaning your gutters can also lead to mosquitoes. If your gutters are clogged with leaves and debris it can result in standing water because the water cannot drain properly. Catching up on home maintenance tasks like these can help you protect your family from mosquitoes this spring and summer.    

Take precautions when outside

Any time you are outside during this time of year it is important to take precautions against mosquitoes. This can include applying mosquito spray, wearing long sleeves and pants, as well as using mosquito repellants like citronella candles.

Get the help of a pro

The final – and most important – way that you can protect your family from mosquitoes this spring and fall is by getting the help of a pro. A pest control professional can treat your yard and kill off active mosquitoes. You can also have the area around your home inspected by a pro to learn if there is anything you can do to reduce your chances of having mosquitoes.

It is almost impossible to completely avoid mosquitoes when you are outside during the spring and summer. However, you can significantly reduce your chances of developing a mosquito infestation at your home by checking for areas of standing water, catching up on home maintenance tasks, and getting the help of a pest control pro.