Bed bugs are relentless insects that can infest your home and are very difficult to eradicate. They live off of blood from their hosts and hide during the day in places close to where their host sleeps. Bed bugs are also expert hitchhikers and may tag along with you when you cross paths with a bed bug who is hoping for a change of scenery. Bed bugs are active all year long and never have a hibernation period like some pests. But summertime can really ramp up bed bug activity for a number of reasons. You may notice signs of these parasitic creatures more in the summer months than you did in winter. If you determine that your home is infested with bed bugs, stop these little travelers from spreading to other homes while you get them out of your’s by calling a professional pest control company that will eradicate your bed bug problem.
When investigating your home to see if bed bugs are a problem, there are several signs to look for on yourself and in your home.
- Bites: If you have noticed waking up with several bites, typically in a trail, that is a pretty good sign that you may have bed bugs. When you see a bite, it means that you are having an allergic reaction to the saliva of the bed bug. They use their saliva to numb your skin before they bite, so they can feast without being disturbed by you. But not all people are allergic to their saliva. So some people can be bitten night after night, and never know it. What is even more difficult to understand is that for those who are allergic, the bites may still take several days to become visible on the skin.
- Evidence in your home: If you look at your mattress, under your sheet, see if you can find any signs of infestations. Things to look for are:
- Tiny blood stains
- Oval shaped exoskeleton sheddings
- Dark fecal matter in the edges of the mattress, along the creases and seams
- Use a flashlight to look behind the headboard or behind nearby furniture for the bed bugs themselves
Summer activity
If your home has bed bugs, you have a bed bug problem all 12 months of the year until you eradicate the infestation. But bed bugs love the warmer weather and will become more active during these times. You may notice
- More bites when it is warmer. The more active the bugs are, the more need for a meal. This is why it is common for bed bugs to bite much more often in the summer months.
- New infestations may be popping up because of summer travel. As people go from one place to another, so do bed bugs.
Summer is coming fast and if you want to make sure your bed bug infestation doesn’t become a problem for someone else and if you want to avoid getting bitten every night, call a professional pest control company like San Joaquin Pest Control of Visalia to eradicate your home of bed bugs so you can get a peaceful night’s sleep.