Having a bed bug problem can be stressful, irritating, and expensive. Bed bugs are tiny, oval-shaped bugs that hide in mattresses, behind headboards, or behind nightstands during the day, and come out to feast on blood at night. Because females lay up to five eggs a day, a small bed bug problem can soon grow to a bed bug infestation. Quickly treating your Visalia home for bed bugs and diligently checking and re-treating is the best way to get bed bugs eradicated. There are plenty of DIY ways to sanitize your bed sheets and clothes by freezing them in your freezer at 0 degrees for several days or by using high heat on your dryer or using steamers to kill bed bugs. But because bed bugs are expert hiders, they can be very difficult to get rid of on your own. Calling a professional pest control team in Visalia, CA is your best bet to getting rid of bed bugs and preventing them from coming back.
Signs of bed bugs
At night, bed bugs come out of their hiding nests to bite people in places that are exposed during sleeping. By the time you see evidence of bed bugs, the infestation could be already pretty substantial. Always be on the lookout for signs of bed bugs. The quicker you start treating your home for bed bugs, the sooner you can get rid of them. Signs for bed bugs are:
- Tiny red or brown spots on sheets
- Small, itchy, red bites on exposed areas like arms and shoulders
- A sweet, musty smell
- Finding round exoskeletons
Once you discover signs of bed bugs, the next step is to get rid of them immediately.
What to do
There are several pesticides you can purchase to treat bed bugs. Pesticides should always be used by following the instructions on the label thoroughly. But for best results, hiring an experienced pest control company is by far your best option when treating bed bugs. In Visalia, CA, experienced companies like San Joaquin Pest Control of Visalia know that following up after the first treatment is essential to making sure the bed bugs are really gone.
How to keep them out
Bed bugs cling to clothes, luggage, and coats and can be picked up from a number of public places. A few rules for yourself and your family can help keep bed bugs out of your home.
- Never put your purse down on carpet in public areas
- When returning from a trip, change clothes and wash them on high heat before sitting down on the couch
- Thoroughly check luggage for bed bugs in every crevice, flap, and pocket of the bag
When it comes to bed bugs, the longer you wait to call a professional, the more eggs will hatch, causing the infestation to get worse. Bed bugs can ruin your sleep and leave your entire family itching. In Visalia, CA, call San Joaquin Pest Control of Visalia today to treat your home for bed bugs and prevent them from returning so you can sleep in peace.