As the summer approaches, residents of Kings County are making plans for all the fun outdoor activities during these beautiful warmer months. But if you find yourself wanting to plan around morning and evening times to avoid high mosquito activity, you may want to look into hiring a professional to treat your yard for the blood sucking insects. Why work around a pest’s schedule? Reclaim your backyard and kick those mosquitoes out by having your home and yard treated for mosquitoes so you can make your plans and have confidence that you will enjoy the cool morning or evening air without incessant mosquito bites.
Life cycle of a mosquito
A mosquito lives for less than 60 days, usually, if not swatted or eaten by another animal. In their lifetime, a mosquito hatches from an egg in still, standing water, entering the larval stage, develops into a pupa, and finally emerges as an adult ready to start the whole cycle over again. The breeding process involves male and female mosquitoes mating, followed by the female filling up on a blood meal and then looking for a place to lay around 100 eggs. Counting mosquito bites that you may collect after an evening outside and multiplying it by 100 is a scary thought of how many mosquitoes are soon to hatch in your yard.
Itchy welts and the possibility of open sores from scratching that risk infection is no small matter and may end up with a doctor’s visit and antibiotics if the sore becomes infected. But the biggest risk to being bitten by mosquitoes are the mosquito-borne illnesses that these bugs can carry. Illnesses like:
- Zika virus
- West Nile virus
- Dengue virus
- Malaria
Are just some of the illnesses that certain breeds of mosquitoes can carry. If you live in Kings County and don’t want to deal with the potential harmful effects of mosquito bites, treating your yard as well as using repellant sprays on your clothes and skin will keep these pests from transferring any diseases to you and your family, as well as keep you from itching.
If you are determined to keep mosquitoes from making your property their home, the best mosquito pest control in Kings County would be to have a professional come to your house and treat your yard. The technician will apply a barrier spray around the perimeter of your home that will kill adult mosquitoes on contact when they land in shady spots around your yard.
If you want to keep mosquitoes from invading your space, call the experienced team at San Joaquin Pest Control of Visalia today to thoroughly treat your yard and home for these biting pests.