Keeping pests from coming inside your home is an important task. But you certainly do not want any creatures in your home that could land you in the hospital if you are so unfortunate to be bitten. Though Black Widow spider bites do not often lead to a life threatening situation, they can cause severe symptoms and illness. You do not want to try to eradicate Black Widows yourself if it could lead to a bite. Call in a spider control expert to get these dangerous spiders out of your Visalia home.
Preventing spider infestations
There are some general situations that attract most spiders, including Black Widows. You can take action and establish some good habits so your home doesn’t attract these venomous spiders.
Keep a clean, tidy home. Spiders eat bugs. If your home attracts bugs like flies, ants, cockroaches, or beatles, spiders will come inside to build their webs in hopes of catching their food. Cleaning up after meals by putting all food away in the fridge or airtight containers, sweeping after meals, and wiping down countertops will deter all kinds of bugs.
Promptly take out the trash and keep outdoor garbage bins away from the home. This will cut down on drawing insects that spiders are after from coming into your home.
Make sure any water drips or highly humid corners of your house are fixed and aired out. This will keep your home from becoming a magnet for insects that spiders love to eat. Using a dehumidifier in the basement or bathroom can also be an excellent way of reducing moisture in these humid rooms.
Black Widow bite symptoms
If you are bitten by a Black Widow, it is possible that it was just a warning bite where no venom is released into your body. Whether or not the bite is venomous, you may feel the tiniest prick or possibly not at all. But if there is venom in the bite, you will start to feel the effects within one hour of being bitten. Children and elderly could have ar more life threatening reaction to the bite of a Black Widow, so it is important to watch for these symptoms:
Dull pain throughout the body
Swelling at the bite site
Difficulty breathing
Muscle cramps
Not every symptom will be present in every case. But if you suspect you or your family member has been bitten by a Black Widow and exhibits any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical help right away.
If you live in Visalia, CA and want the best in spider control, give San Joaquin Pest Control in Visalia a call today. We want to keep your home free from the risk that Black Widows bring by getting rid of every single one in and around your home.