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Did You Do Something to Cause Your Termite Infestation?

Posted on Jul 31, 2017 3:00:00 AM by Stephanie Morgan

Did You Do Something to Cause Your Termite Infestation? | San Joaquin Pest ControlTermites are no joke. The pests can do extensive damage to your home and furniture in almost no time at all. If you currently have a termite problem, you may be wondering if you did something to bring it on. Try to not be too hard on yourself. Unless you were actively placing cardboard and dishes of water out for them, we know you didn’t get termites on purpose. The truth is, is that termites will invade any home, but sometimes we do make it easy for them.

So what can you do to prevent termites? To answer that questions, first, let’s take a look at why termites invade your home.

How and why termites get inside

Most termites are subterranean, meaning they live under the ground. These termites will invade your home under the soil, digging tunnels that will allow for travel from the outside to the inside of your home. If they didn’t build a tunnel, more than likely, they got in through holes or cracks in your foundation or building walls.

Once they are inside, termites will eat continuously, day and night, and unfortunately, can often go unnoticed until they’ve done significant damage.

In addition to food like wood and paper products, termites also need water to survive. If you have leaky pipes or moist areas in your home, that may have enticed them to come inside.

One other thing to consider: temperature. Termites can be more active in the warmer months. Termites need the perfect combination of heat and humidity to become active and seek out areas for nests. When the weather warms up, it’s imperative to make sure you don’t have any leaks or excess moisture in and around your home. 

How to prevent termites

Preventing termites begins with cleaning up the area outside your home. Be sure to keep woodpiles away from your home, and any other structures on your property. Be sure to keep vegetation in check, and compost all dead plant matter. Don’t let branches of trees or bushes touch your home.

If you see a leaky faucet or pipe, fix it. Not only will it save you money, but it may also save you the headache of a termite infestation.

When it’s time to call a pro

Termites are very hard to get rid of, and the longer you wait, the worse the problem gets. If you have a termite problem, you can try treatments like baits and sprays yourself, but you may want to save the time and headache, and call a professional pest control company instead.

We at San Joaquin Pest Control have been in the business for over 40 years, and suffice to say; we know what we’re doing. We’ll help you determine how you got the termite problem, help you eradicate it, and keep it from happening again.

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