The winter may not be great for outside activities, but it’s a fine time for dealing with pest problems – mostly because there aren’t that many! Insects and rodents get cold just like we do, and they have little interest in being active when it’s so chilly. So as long as no pests snuck into your home at the very start of the winter, you should be relatively safe from pest invasions for now.
But just because you’re free and clear now doesn’t guarantee safety later. Which is why we highly recommend you spend some time preparing your home for future pest invasions – you’ll thank us later.
Here are four ways to safeguard your home during the winter:
Inspect those walls now
One of the easiest ways for pests to infiltrate a home is via openings or cracks in exterior walls. So now is the time to fill in those openings before they’re exploited. Cracks can be filled with caulking, but you should use some spackle or a patch for larger holes.
Shore up the weather stripping
Weather stripping is kind of a no-brainer, because it’s so beneficial. Solid weather stripping will help keep cold air out, saving you money on energy costs. It will also help keep pests out: if there isn’t enough weather stripping underneath your front door, pests could use it to get in.
Watch those winter coats closely
You’re probably wearing a nice heavy coat outdoors right now, since the weather has been so frigid. But just remember not to put that coat down anywhere when you’re indoors in a public place. High-traffic public areas are easy spots to pick up bed bugs, which will jump from someone else’s coat to yours. So be mindful of jackets and other personal items whenever you’re in a busy place.
Drain all standing water immediately
Regardless of whether it’s a full-size in-ground pool or merely a bird bath, it shouldn’t have any water in it right now. For starters, we’re still in a drought (recent rain notwithstanding). But it’s also an attractive spot for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water, so any standing water on your property could become a new hatching ground for them. Remove the water now to save yourself from a newborn mosquito