Having an infestation of any kind can be quite unsettling and lead to a stressful home environment. But not all home infestations are as nightmarish and potentially expensive as discovering bed bugs. The tiny, oval-shaped bugs can live and breed in mattresses, box springs, and any furniture close to where you and your family sleep at night. They hide in these nests during the day, and come out to bite and feast on blood on any warm-blooded mammal they can find. Bed bugs do not fly, so they stay relatively close to their blood meals during the day.
Bed bugs can infest more than just beds. They can attach to clothes, crawl in purses and luggage, live in carpet, cushions, couches, and, of course, beds. Reading about bed bugs may have you completely convinced that they are crawling on you this very minute. You may ask yourself, “How do I know if my home has bed bugs?” Knowing where to look and what to look for is key to finding evidence of bed bugs.
Bed bugs are experts at hiding so you probably won’t just see a bed bug taking a stroll across your sheets. If you do, you probably have a serious infestation. Some people do not have a reaction to bed bug bites which can allow the infestation to go unnoticed and get worse. Signs of bed bugs are:
- Red or brown tiny spots on your sheets
- Red or blistered bites on exposed arms and shoulders
- Oval shaped exoskeletons scattered underneath furniture near sleeping area
- Sweet, musty odor in high infested rooms
- Small oval-shaped bugs in creases of the mattress
If you find any evidence of bed bugs, do not hesitate to call an experienced professional pest control company to treat your home for bed bugs. Female bed bugs can lay 3 to 5 eggs a day. Getting your home free from bed bugs as soon as possible can help prevent you and your family from suffering painful, itchy bites, allergic reactions, and to stop the spread of bed bugs to more families.
Treatment and Prevention
If you have found evidence of bed bugs, washing all clothes and bed sheets, blankets, pillows cases and pillows that may be infected is the first step to getting rid of bed bugs. There are many over-the-counter products to treat your home for bed bugs. But bed bugs are notoriously difficult to get rid of and every day, they are laying more eggs. Call in a professional pest control service to thoroughly inspect and treat your home for bed bugs. Do not give the bed bugs a chance to continue biting you and your family and infecting your possessions. If you find evidence of bed bugs in your home and live in Visalia, CA, call San Joaquin Pest Control of Visalia today!