Discovering termite damage in your home can be frustrating, expensive, and stressful. People who have had to deal with the devastating effects of termites know that checking for termites is something that can not be put on the back burner. Regular termite inspection is an excellent way to protect your biggest asset, your home, from termite damage. Because of the pleasant, consistent weather that many Californians enjoy, termites can also thrive leaving most California homes considered high risk for termites. All three different species of termites can be found in California. But how often should I have my home inspected for termites? Termite inspections should be done once a year by a professional pest control company so you know that your home is guaranteed not to end up as termite food.
When you call a professional pest control technician to inspect your home for termites, the technician will leave no stone unturned in search of the bugs that can cause so much damage. Preparing your home for termite inspection will help the technician to thoroughly check your home in a timely manner. Clearing out items from dark places for the technicians before they arrive is very helpful. Places like:
- Attic
- Crawl spaces
- High, unused cabinets
- Around the perimeter of the home
Having a regular, yearly inspection for termites will help keep your home, family, and your wallet safe from the damaging effects of termites.
Searching for signs of termites can be difficult because they stay out of sight. But if you know where to look, you may see evidence that your home has a termite infestation. A few signs to look for are:
- Tube tunnels around the exterior foundation
- Appearance of water damage on floors
- Termite wings around windows
- Swarms coming from your walls
- Weak paneling and boards
Termite damage can easily be extensive because the termites eat cellulose in boards causing structural damage to the home. Because termites do not like light, the damage they are creating happens out of sight with little evidence on the surface of walls, wooden furniture, or wood floors. When the infestation is discovered, the damage can be so much that the home is now structurally compromised. Termite inspections in California are not required when buying a home. But having a professional inspect your home before you sell or before you buy is an excellent way to protect yourself from the devastating effects of termite damage.
Termites can cause so much destruction to your home that can lead to compromised structural integrity and leave you paying through the nose for repairs. Having a yearly termite inspection by a professional pest control company will help catch an infestation early and give you peace of mind. If you live in Visalia, CA, call San Joaquin Pest Control of Visalia today to set up a termite inspection.