Pests should have no place inside of your business. They can be destructive to your building and dangerous for employees and customers. Pests are persistent and will always try to find a way inside your business to enjoy the temperature-controlled environment, water, and food. This means that you must be persistent in your efforts to keep pests out of your business. There are a number of small things you can do to maximize your chances of keeping pests out.
Seal up breaches on the exterior of your building
Small breaches around the exterior of your building can allow pests to get inside. Damaged weather stripping around a door can provide plenty of space for pests like roaches, ants, and spiders. Ill-closing windows and cracks in the foundation are other possible areas for a breach. Take the time to examine the exterior of your building for any obvious breaches. If you do find problem areas, get them repaired right away to help keep pests out of your building.
Repair leaks and other water issues
There are several types of pests that can be attracted into your business by water. Cockroaches, rodents, and termites all look for places that provide excess moisture. Leaking pipes and poor drainage are two of the main culprits for water issues. Repairing water issues around your business will help in your efforts to keep pests out.
Designate an area for employees to eat
Crumbs, spills, and food waste can all attract pests inside your business. If you have several employees who eat in various places throughout the building it is easy to miss spills and trash during cleaning efforts. You can combat this issue by designating an area for employees to eat. If all or most of the eating is relegated to one area, it will be easier to ensure that all of the food waste is promptly removed.
Set up a regular cleaning schedule
A regular cleaning schedule is an important part of keeping pests out of your business. Leaving trash and spills for days is an almost guaranteed way to develop pest problems. If you are the one who cleans, make it a habit of sweeping/vacuuming and taking out the trash each day. If you hire a cleaning service make sure you remove the trash on the days that the cleaning staff is not there.
Invest in regularly scheduled pest control services
Regularly scheduled pest control services will also help you keep pests out of your business. Being diligent with prevention efforts like building maintenance and cleaning will help protect against pests. However, pests may still find their way into your building. Regularly scheduled pest control services will add a layer of chemical pest control protection to your efforts.
There is a lot to think about when it comes to running a business. Pest control may not be at the top of your list but it needs to be a priority. The negative consequences of a pest infestation in your business can negatively impact both your reputation and your bottom line.