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Keeping Your Home Pest Resistant This Summer

Posted on May 18, 2018 6:00:00 AM by Stephanie Morgan

cleanforsummerWith summer right around the corner you might be starting to dread the seasonal pests that come along with it. A lot of pests come out during the warm weather seasons because in the rainy portions of the year, they aren’t able to forage around for food and water as much. If you think you hate the rain, imagine trying to go about your day with huge, human-sized raindrops falling from the sky. It would make walking around nearly impossible. For this reason, some peststend to be more dormant during the colder months.

When the sun comes back out, pests take advantage of it right away. They go to work looking for sources of food, water, and shelter. This means they’re likely going to be looking around your yard and home for these resources. What can you do to keep them out? Well, there’s no foolproof method of keeping them out, but there are tips that you can follow in order to make your house a less appealing place for bugs to camp out.

For one, cleaning is essential. Many types of pests like trash, so if yours isn’t tightly secured, it might be attracting them. Buy a trash can with a lid that secures and locks tightly. Start taking out the trash once a day, even if it’s not full yet.

Another aspect of keeping your home clean is creating and abiding by good cleaning habits. One easy habit you can follow is wiping down surfaces often. Keep antibacterial wipes around the house and start wiping surfaces down as soon as you’re finished using them. This takes less than a minute and can go a long way in keeping your whole house cleaner.

One adjustment you might think about making is keeping all food in one or two rooms in your house. This helps because you’ll if you do end up getting a few ants or flies, you’ll know that the problem is likely stemming from one of the two rooms that you isolate your food into.

If you’re already dealing with an infestation, or you tend to get one every year around this time, the best decision you can make is to have a professional pest control company come in and do an inspection. Let them know over the phone what type of pests you’re dealing with, or typically deal with around this time and ask them about how much experience they’ve had with those pests in the past. You can also look online at reviews and search for keywords that have to do with the pests you’re being infested by.

Not only will an experienced pest techinspect your home for bugs that are currently there, but they’ll look for the source of the issue. Your pest tech will look around your house and give you recommendations for adjustments you can make that will help keep your house more pest free. While you might think you know your house better than anyone, someone with a background in pest prevention has experience and knowledge that you probably don’t. They’ve seen many different elements become the source of pest infestations, so they know exactly where to look, and what to look for.

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