If you and your family are constantly being bitten by mosquitoes in your yard, and the thought of spraying your kids down with repellant spray makes you uneasy, you may be pulling your hair out, wondering how to prevent mosquitoes from entering your Tulare County yard. There are actually several ways to prevent mosquitoes from making your yard their home that can cut down on the mosquito activity around your property.
No one likes the incessant biting and itchy welts left behind by mosquitoes. But knowing that mosquito bites can lead to some pretty nasty illnesses may really cause you to make sure these pests don’t enter your yard, looking for their next meal.
Controlling standing water is always the first step in mosquito prevention. Female mosquitoes need still, calm water to lay their eggs. Water also serves as the place where a mosquito goes through all their life stages until they emerge as adults, ready to mate and lay more eggs.
To control water in your yard,
- Identify any buckets, flower pots and trays, tarps, kid toys, or cups left outside that could catch rainwater. Always pour out water when you see it collecting.
- Fix broken sprinkler heads that cause water to pool in one area immediately.
- Clean out gutters and make sure the downspouts are in good condition and send the water into an area where it can drain properly.
- If you have a garden or several ornamental plants, mosquitoes could be breeding at the base of these plants after you water them. Investigate if water remains on the ground under these plants. Make sure the ground is soft and airy to allow for good drainage. You may need to loosen the soil with a planting tool.
Repel mosquitoes in your yard by:
- Planting flowering plants and herbs like,
- Basil
- Rosemary
- Lemon grass
- Mint
- Marigolds
- Geraniums
- Lavender
- In strategic places like under windows and around the patio can drive mosquitoes away so you can enjoy certain spots in your yard.
- Use lemon eucalyptus essential oil as a natural mosquito repellant.
- In months you know you will be outdoors often, bathe with a mosquito repelling soap so that you have full body protection before you even step outside.
- Burn citronella candles while you are outside.
A guaranteed way to make sure that mosquitoes are deterred from entering your property is to have a professional treat your yard, even your home, for these blood sucking pests. A professional pest control company will use a barrier spray on surrounding plants and foliage in spots that mosquitoes hang out in the heat of the day. This will kill adult mosquitoes on contact and keep them from reproducing in your yard.
In Tulare county, if you want to prevent mosquitoes from taking over your yard, call San Joaquin Pest Control of Visalia today to get the best mosquito control and prevention.