Summer is a wonderful time to get outside to enjoy the nice weather and beautiful sun shine. As your activities increase during the summer months, so do the activities for some of the insects that live around your Bakersfield home. If you want to know which bugs to look out for and how to prevent them from becoming a problem, here is a list of active bugs during these warm summer months.
Summer bugs
Mosquitoes start coming out as soon as the weather starts to turn warm. They bite and cause itchy welts and can even transmit harmful diseases.
Termites are active all year around but as the days begin to heat up, they become more active. Activity for termites involves eating and laying more eggs which translates to a bigger infestation and more damage done to your home.
Bed bugs also are an all year around bug but also ramp up activity during the warmer months. They will come out more frequently for food which leads to more bites on your and your family.
Wasps seem to start building their nests in the corner of your porch or eaves as soon as there are a few warm days back to back. Wasps eat nectar so as soon as the flowers begin to bloom, you can see these stinging bugs buzzing around your home.
Ants can be around all year long but as soon as the winter stores are depleted, the ants are ready to start stocking up for the next winter. You may find them more frequently in your kitchen and bathroom looking for sugary spills or crumbs to take back to their mound.
Situations that draw bugs
As the world becomes alive again in the spring and summer months, summer bugs start coming out in droves. The spring showers can cause puddles and standing water that provides a perfect breeding environment for mosquitoes. Damage to the roof or gutters over the winter may have gone unnoticed but now it is creating a situation that allows water to get into the house. Termites and ants need only a little water supply to sustain their colonies and any small leak or drip is all it takes to help them thrive in your Bakersfield home. Summer travel can spread bed bugs around to new places, allowing them to start new infestations wherever they land.
Controlling water outside and inside your home as well as taking extra precaution to wash clothes and bags after trips will help to reduce the chances of mosquitoes, ants, termites, and bed bugs from becoming a problem around your property. Keep an eye on typical places where wasps build nests so you can knock it down before new wasps hatch.
If you find yourself in a pest situation that is unmanageable, do not hesitate to call the experienced team at San Joaquin Pest Control of Visalia. They will quickly eradicate any pest control issue you have in your Bakersfield home.