Pests like ants and mosquitoes seem to disappear once the weather cools off. It would be nice if all pests followed their lead but, unfortunately, there are some pests that you still need to worry about during the colder months. Pests like cockroaches, rodents, termites, and bed bugs will give you problems during the colder months and throughout the year.
Cockroaches will never give you a break – no matter what the weather is doing outside. Your home can provide cockroaches with a temperature-controlled environment as well as plenty of food and water. These pests are dangerous to the people in your home because they can contaminate your surfaces and food supply. Roaches have the ability to spread diseases to humans and cause problems for people who have allergies and breathing issues.
Rats and mice
Rodents will continue to cause problems in your home during the colder months. Rats and mice can damage your property by chewing on cords, building materials, paper products, and cardboard. Rodents also have the ability to spread disease to humans by contaminating food and surfaces in the home. Mice and rats can also spread disease indirectly by bringing fleas and ticks into your home that they transfer to your pets and loved ones. Your home is the ideal place for rodents to spend the colder months because it is warm and provides easy access to food and water.
Termites can eat away at the structural wood of your property around the clock. The weather does impact when termites swarm but it does not stop them from being active once they have established a colony. You need to be proactive about termite treatment and prevention all year long to make sure that your home remains protected from the damage that termites can cause.
Bed bugs
Bed bugs are typically associated with the warmer months because people often get them while traveling. These tiny pests can hitch a ride home with you on your clothes or luggage from an infested hotel room. The unfortunate reality is that you can get bed bugs any time throughout the year. These pests feed off of humans and spend their time where humans can be found. These places are temperature controlled and make it easy for bed bugs to remain active all throughout the year.
Each of the pests outlined above can infest your home and cause problems during the colder months of the year. You cannot let your guard down when it comes to pests because there are pests that can threaten your property and your loved ones all throughout the year. The best way to protect your home from the threat of pests all year long is to set up regularly scheduled preventative services with the experts from San Joaquin Pest Control in Visalia.