Cockroaches are definitely not the kind of creatures you want to see scurrying across your floor as you get up to get a drink of water at night. These nocturnal critters come out of the woodwork in search of food and water in quiet, dark houses. When you see a cockroach, you can bet there are more cockroaches not far away. Cockroaches can crawl through disgusting places like sewers or hide in toilet bowls. The bacteria that cockroaches carry from these gross places will easily be spread over your clean surfaces as the cockroach crawls over your table, countertops, and gets into your pantry. Once cockroaches are discovered in your home, getting rid of them as fast as possible is now the number one goal of any homeowner or renter.
Smear marks- Cockroaches often hangout in wet, damp areas in the home. If the cockroaches are very active in one area, they scurry through water, and leave brown, smear marks on surfaces and sometimes wall-floor junctions.Casings or Capsules- Cockroaches lay a lot of eggs. You may not find the eggs when searching for signs of cockroaches, but it is very possible to find the egg casting left behind after the eggs hatch.
Droppings- Cockroaches leave behind tiny droppings, but because there can be a good number of droppings in one place, you may notice it.
Exoskeletons- like other insects, cockroaches have an exoskeleton that they have to shed in order to grow.
Cockroaches climb and scamper through all types of filth and trash. They can carry bacteria from sewers and other disgusting places right into your home. They can even hide inside the toilet bowl. Cockroaches have even been known to eat food particles left on your toothbrush if not washed out properly. Cockroaches are known to carry bacteria such as listeria, E. Coli, and salmonella as well as increase allergies and asthma in those who already suffer from these respiratory problems.
If you have a cockroach problem, you want to ensure that your family never suffers from illness-inducing bacteria. Begin treatment fast after the first sign of cockroaches.
There are many different ways to treat cockroaches. You can buy:
- Roach traps
- Bait Stations
- Diatomaceous Earth used in a thin layer in hard to reach areas
- Roach sprays
- Boric acid in a thing layer in hard to reach areas that are draft free
Professional pest control is the fastest and most effective way to treat your home for cockroaches.
Regardless if you plan to treat cockroaches yourself or hire a pest control company, thorough and regular cleaning will help keep the cockroaches out of your home. Also being vigilant in checking and re-treating for cockroaches is very important.
In Visalia, CA, if you want the best cockroach treatment to get rid of cockroaches and make sure they do not return, call San Joaquin Pest Control of Visalia today. They have multiple different plans either one time treatment, bi-monthly, or monthly treatment plans so you can rest easy knowing those skittering cockroaches won’t startle you in the night.