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What Should I Do If I Have a Pigeon Problem On My Roof?

Posted on Oct 10, 2022 9:00:00 AM by Stephanie Morgan

Shutterstock_1416882626 (1)Pigeons are one of the oldest domesticated birds and are found in cities all over the world. While pigeons are not the first thing people imagine when they hear the word “pest,” they are certainly a nuisance when they build their nests on ledges or in the attics of buildings. Unfortunately, they can also roost on your roof and not want to leave! So how do you eliminate the persistent pigeons from your roof? This article will help you discover how to get rid of your pigeon problem.

Why are pigeons attracted to my roof?

There are a few reasons why pigeons might be attracted to your roof. One reason could be that there are already other pigeons there. Pigeons are social animals, and they like to stick together in groups. So, if you see one pigeon on your roof, more are nearby.

A second reason pigeons like roofs is that there are often food sources nearby. Pigeons are attracted to areas with a lot of human activity because there will be more opportunities for finding food.

Another reason could be that your roof provides a good vantage point for the pigeons. They like to be up high where they can keep an eye out for predators and spot food sources. Your roof might also offer some shelter from the elements, which is another thing that pigeons look for in an excellent roosting spot.

Finally, pigeons also like the warmth that roofs can provide. In cold weather, pigeons will huddle together on a warm roof to stay warm.

Why do I want to get rid of the pigeons on my roof?

Droppings: One reason is that their droppings can damage your roof and make it more challenging to keep your home clean.

Disease: Another reason is that pigeons can carry diseases that harm humans, such as psittacosis and salmonella.

How can I get rid of pigeons on my roof?

If you have pigeons nesting on your roof, you may wonder how to get rid of them. There are a few different methods you can try, but it's important to remember that pigeons are protected by law in many areas. That means you can't just kill them or remove their nests without a permit.

  • Sonic Bird Repellent
One way to get rid of pigeons is to use a sonic bird repellent. These devices emit sounds that bother pigeons and make them want to leave the area. You can find these devices at most home improvement stores.
  • Make it Less Cozy
Another way to keep pigeons away is to make your roof less inviting for them. Remove any food sources they might be eating, such as bird seed or crumbs.
  • Physical Barriers
You can also try putting up physical barriers, like wire mesh, to make it difficult for them to land on your roof.
  • Bird Spikes
You can try installing bird spikes around the perimeter of your roof. This will make it difficult for pigeons to land and build a nest.
  • Consider Scare Tactics
Scare tactics, such as placing fake owls on your roof, can sometimes be enough to deter the pigeons from nesting.
  • Trap them
Depending on the laws of your city, it may be an option to use live traps. Then, once the pigeons are trapped, you can release them elsewhere.
  • Call the professionals
Finally, if all else fails, you can always call a professional pest control company to help get rid of your pigeon problem. This can also save you time and even money since you know they will do it right!


It is evident that having pigeons on your roof is not a desirable situation. Not only are they dirty and noisy, but they can also cause damage to your home. If you have pigeons on your roof, take action to remove them as soon as possible to avoid any further problems. If those persistent pests just won’t leave, the best course of action is to call San Joaquin Pest Control. They will be able to help you resolve your issue in a timely and effective manner.

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Topics: Pest Treatment Options, Pigeon

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