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Where Do Spiders Like To Hide?

Posted on May 1, 2023 9:00:00 AM by Stephanie Morgan

Shutterstock_635187908Spiders are found all over the world and are one of the most common household pests. They are known for their creepy appearance and ability to spin webs, but many people are unaware of their hiding spots. This article will discuss where spiders like to hide and how to prevent them from taking over your home.

  • Dark and Damp Areas

One of the favorite hiding spots for spiders is in dark and damp areas. They love to hide in basements, crawl spaces, and other areas that are not frequently visited. These areas provide a safe and secure location for spiders to build webs and lay eggs. Use a dehumidifier or fan to dry out damp areas, and install additional lighting to make them less attractive to spiders.

  • Cluttered Spaces

Another favorite hiding spot for spiders is cluttered spaces. This includes piles of clothes, stacks of books, and other items that are not regularly used. These areas provide the perfect hiding spot for spiders to build webs and lay eggs. To prevent spiders from hiding in these areas, keep them clean and organized. Remove clutter and regularly clean these spaces to discourage spiders from making them their home.

  • Cracks and Crevices

Spiders are excellent at squeezing through tiny openings, making cracks and crevices a favorite hiding spot. They can hide in the smallest cracks, including those in walls, floors, and ceilings. They use these spaces to build webs and lay eggs, making them difficult to find and eliminate. To prevent spiders from hiding in cracks and crevices, seal up any openings in your home. Use caulk or weatherstripping to seal gaps around windows and doors. Repair any cracks in your walls, ceilings, and floors to prevent spiders from entering.

  • Plants and Shrubs

Spiders are also known to hide in plants and shrubs. They are attracted to the moist and sheltered environment that plants provide. In addition, they can use the leaves and branches to build webs and hunt for prey. Keep the shrubs well-trimmed and away from your home's foundation to prevent spiders from hiding in the plants surrounding your house. This will make the outside of your home less attractive to spiders and other pests.

  • Attics and Garages

Attics and garages are often overlooked when it comes to pest control. However, they can be a favorite hiding spot for spiders. These areas are not frequently visited, making them a safe and secure location for spiders to build webs and lay eggs. Keep them clean and well-lit to prevent spiders from feeling at home there. Remove clutter and regularly clean these spaces to discourage spiders from making them their home. Install additional lighting to make them less attractive to spiders.

  • Under Furniture

Spiders also like to hide under furniture. They can hide in the smallest spaces under chairs, couches, and beds. These areas provide the perfect hiding spot for spiders to build webs and lay eggs. Regularly vacuum under furniture to remove any webs or eggs. Install additional lighting to make these areas less attractive to spiders.

To conclude, spiders are a common household pest and can be difficult to control. They are known for their ability to hide in small spaces, making them difficult to find and eliminate. By understanding where spiders like to hide and taking steps to prevent them from taking over your home, you can keep them at bay. Regular cleaning, organizing, and sealing up any gaps or cracks in your home will help keep spiders and other pests out. If you need further help in keeping your home spider-free, call San Joaquin Pest Control. They are amazing at providing top-notch service with a smile that will help you enjoy your pest-free home once more.

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