Mosquitoes can buzz into your backyard and ruin a fun evening with the family. They are not only pests but can also carry harmful diseases that they can transmit to you when they bite. Stop mosquitoes from buzzing around your home so that you and your family can enjoy being outside in peace. Hiring a professional to treat your Visalia home and yard for mosquitoes may be the best way to reclaim your yard from these blood sucking bugs.
In Visalia, CA, mosquito treatment looks like applying a barrier spray to foliage surrounding your yard. Adult mosquitoes will land in shady places, like on leaves or branches, to rest. This barrier spray will kill these adult mosquitoes so they can not continue to breed in your yard.
Turning over any standing water on your property will also help keep the mosquito population down in your yard because female mosquitoes lay their eggs in still water. A single female mosquito can lay up to 100 eggs at a time after filling up on a blood meal. She can also lay eggs several times in her lifetime. Mosquitoes can quickly turn into a full scale invasion if left untreated.
Use mosquito repellant sprays on your clothing or use repellant soaps before you know you will be outside for a while. Not only do you not want to have to deal with the itchy welts left after they bite, but keep in mind that each bite could lead to 100 more mosquitoes in your yard in a very short period of time.
Mosquitoes are some of the tiniest bugs but the biggest pests when trying to enjoy the outdoors. Their bites lead to itchy welts that itch constantly. For children, not scratching those welts can be particularly difficult. Scratching can lead to open sores that can easily get infected with bacteria, leading to more issues in the healing process.
Some people are more allergic to the saliva of mosquitoes that actually causes the welts and some bites can become inflamed and even be hot to the touch.
Of course, the biggest risk when it comes to mosquitoes is the diseases they carry that can infect you and your family with one bite. Different breeds of mosquitoes are known for carrying different diseases. Among these diseases that you can find in the US are:
- West Nile virus
- Zika virus
- Dengue virus
- Malaria, though most cases come from overseas.
If you have plans to be outside often this summer or if you just don’t want to take the risk of catching a mosquito-borne illness from a bite, do not hesitate to call the professionals at San Joaquin Pest Control of Visalia. They will get rid of the mosquitoes buzzing around your yard so you can enjoy the beautiful weather without having to deal with pesky mosquitoes.