An increase in pest activity seems to come along with warm weather. Pests like ants and mosquitoes come out in droves as things warm up. Why is this? The reason it seems like some pests are more active as the weather warms up is because they are. The behavior and activity level of mosquitoes and ants are very different depending on the time of the year. These changes are directly impacted by the weather. Understanding why the warm weather increases the activity of these pests can help you in your efforts to keep them away from your yard and house.
Ants are well known for coming out during the warmer months. If you have ever been on a summer picnic then ants were likely guests as well. It can seem impossible to stay away from them if you spend any time outside. Ants are active when it is warm outside but seem to disappear when things cool down. They do not die off or migrate to a warmer climate. When winter arrives it drives ants deeper underground where they wait out the cold. They are cold blooded pests and need protection from the cold in order to survive. But, as soon as the weather starts to heat up these busy pests will make their way back to the surface and start searching for food. If your home is not protected you may discover an invasion of ants once winter is gone.
Mosquitoes are another type of pest that goes hand in hand with summer. But, their behavior is quite different than that of ants. As the warm season starts to end and winter approaches mosquitoes will lay eggs in standing water. They do not need much water so things like holes in your yard, birdbaths, and poorly draining flower pots can give mosquitoes ample space to lay their eggs. The adult mosquitoes do not typically survive the winter but the eggs will do just fine as long as the water is not disturbed. The young mosquitoes remain in an immature state throughout the winter. Once the weather starts to warm up they complete the growing process and invade your yard. Many homeowners are surprised to learn that a serious mosquito infestation was in their yard all winter long just waiting for the ideal time to appear. Dealing with any areas of standing water around your home is an important first step toward protecting it from mosquitoes this summer.
Ants and mosquitoes can cause big problems as their activity increases with the warm weather. You can start preparing your house immediately for the threat of these pests. Do an inspection of the exterior of your home and repair any areas that may allow for ants to squeeze through. You can get a professional inspection of your yard to help you identify areas that are potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes. With both types of pests you also have the option of having chemical treatment applied by a professional. The proactive steps of learning about these pests, preparing your home for their increase in activity, and bringing in professional help will all work together to give your home the highest level of protection possible.