As the fall chill in the air gives way to cold winter days, many tend to turn to the same thing for comfort – food and warmth. In the winter, it’s easy to kick back, relax, and enjoy good food around a cozy fire surrounded by family and friends. Unfortunately, pests are also constantly on the lookout for a nice warm place with an ample food supply to pass the cold winter days…and they also love bringing along their family and friends. It’s important to stay alert regarding pest prevention during the winter months to avoid a serious problem come spring.
Tidy Up
Pick two days during the colder months for a non-spring “spring clean” – one before the holidays, and one after. Remove clutter from around the house, paying special attention to attics, basements, and closets. Boxes, unused clothing and shoes, and stacks of books make a great winter homes for critters seeking a safe, warm place to pass the days.
As you’re tidying up the house, don’t forget the yard. Toys and debris in the yard make excellent layovers for pests on their arduous journey to the interior of your home. Be sure to keep firewood stacked far from the house and move the stack every so often to prevent nesting in the pile.
Prevent Access
Check the exterior of your property for cracks, holes, and access points for pests. Seal and caulk as needed and be sure that you have door sweeps on each exterior door. The garage should be sealed as well - pests can easily enter through gaps in the garage door, which gives them access to interior walls.
Chimneys and vents coming out of the roof should have appropriate covers that allow them to keep pests out while still functioning properly; cracks in the chimney should be sealed to prevent bugs from slipping through.
Be sure to keep the dryer vent covered as well as other common points of entry for tiny pests, such as HVAC and utility lines. Seal around entry points for cables and pipes to keep unwanted critters out.
Eliminate Standing Water
Standing water is extremely attractive to pests in the colder months and can quickly become a breeding ground for an infestation in the spring. Check for leaking pipes throughout the interior of your home and make sure there is appropriate drainage outside for runoff from rain and melting snow. Turn over kids’ pools and toys that may collect water to prevent pests from congregating there.
While it may be easy to forget about pest control during the hustle and bustle of the holidays and the busy colder months, it is important to remain vigilant throughout the winter to prevent pest infestations in the spring. It may be worth considering hiring a pest control professional to care for your property in the colder months as well as year-round. Their knowledge and expertise regarding various types of pests in your area will ensure that the appropriate treatments and prevention methods are used to protect your home. If you live in the San Joaquin Valley, contact San Joaquin Pest Control today for a free quote.